Friday, February 3, 2012



After having a great afternoon with the family at the zoo and enjoying a scrumptious dinner at Titos, Kat and I rented Courageous to watch after putting Bennett and Celia down for the night. I had heard many great things about this movie prior to tonight. The movie did not disappoint. In the past, I have often wondered why the acting was sub-par but I did not notice poor acting tonight.

After watching the movie, I feel that I am a pretty good papa. However, I know there is so much more that I can give my kids to ensure they know You. I know that there are areas that I need to improve. I can see how some dads watch this movie and feel discouraged. However, I watch this movie and I feel challenged to be the best papa to my children. With Your help and by Your grace, I want to be the Spiritual Leader in my house and I want to love my wife like Christ loves the Church, unconditionally and with a self-sacrificing love.

I want to answer the call to be Courageous. As a papa that could not have biological children, my heart aches thinking of all of the fatherless boys and girls in our country and around the world. I think of the single moms trying to be both moms and dads and I have such admiration and respect for each one. But not only do men need to become real fathers, but we need men to step up and father the fatherless.

Help me to be Courageous,


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